Chinese Peasants' Consumption Expenditure Approaches Rationalization

With the Chinese peasants' life developing from a state of barely sufficiency in food and clothing to relative comfortable living conditions, new consumption hot spots are coming into being.

News from the State Statistic Bureau reveals that with the development of rural transportation and communication and increase in emigrant labors, the expenditure of rural people in both fields sees a rapid growth. In 1998, the per capita suchlike expense was 61 yuan, a rise by 12.5% as compared to 1987, whereas that in 1999 grew vigorously by 13.1% as compared to 1998.

With the attention of peasants turning onto cultural and educational aspects, their requirement on culture, education, and entertainment are growing steadily. The per capita expenditure on these three aspects and relative services is 168 yuan, a growth of 5.7% as compared to that of last year, and it saw a rise of 3% in other outlays, such as cosmetics, jewelries, tourism, and boarding.

As a result, the consumption structure of the Chinese peasantry is getting more and more rationalized. The food expenditure share of rural people dropped from 53.4% of 1998 to 52.6% in 1999, the lodging outlay share fell by 0.3%, clothing dropped by 0.4%, while the ratio for other life expenses shows somewhat rise, in which, the outlay in cultural, educational and recreational activities covers 10.7%.

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