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Tuesday, April 18, 2000, updated at 09:50(GMT+8)

Sex Crimes Decrease in Beijing

The number of sex crimes has declined over the past 20 years in Beijing, according to Beijing Morning Post.

The newspaper quoted statistics from local courts to show that crime in general is increasing, while those related to sex are decreasing. Now, fewer than three percent of the criminal cases are sex related, seven percent lower than in the early '80s. Some sociologists said this phenomenon is partly due to better public education in the areas of sex and law, a greater variety of social activities, and an improving quality of the population as a whole.

Some judges attribute the decrease of sex crimes to brighter nights in the Chinese capital.

They said sex crimes often happen in remote and dark areas, and Beijing has taken measures to light the city, which greatly helps to improve public security.

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The number of sex crimes has declined over the past 20 years in Beijing, according to Beijing Morning Post.

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