What Is Annette Lu Up To?

People's Daily carries an observer's article on Monday revealing the true purpose of the statements made by Taiwan's Annette Lu in her interview with a Hong Kong cable TV in which she advocated "independence" for the island. The article says that Lu advocated separatism between the people across the Taiwan Straits.

"No matter where Chinese come from, be that Beijing, Shanghai or Taiwan, we are all Chinese and members of the big family of Chinese nation," the article says.

Lu's allegation denies that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China and that the people of Taiwan are an inseparable part of the Chinese nation, the article says.

Lu attempted to provoke animosity between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits by calling Taiwan people the "scapegoats of a civil war between Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China", the article says.

The temporary separation of Taiwan and the mainland cannot change the fact that there is only one China in the world and that Taiwan is part of China, the article says, and the separation will inevitably come to an end.

Taiwan's future resides in its reunification with the motherland, the article says. The separatists' attempts to separate Taiwan from the motherland will do harm to the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese nation including the people in Taiwan, it says.

Lu alleged that the relationship between the mainland and Taiwan should be that of "remote relatives" in terms of history and when geographical factors are considered, they are "close neighbors," according to the article.

It is internationally acknowledged that there is only one China, the article says. Over 160 countries have set up diplomatic ties with China, and they all recognize that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government of China, the article says.

"The question facing us now is how to let Taiwan return to the motherland at an early date, and realize the reunification of the motherland," it says.

The article says that on the one hand, Lu drummed up Taiwan's "independence", and on the other hand, she called for talks to communicate with the mainland. Lu has contradicted herself because the Chinese Government has stressed again and again that the one-China principle is the prerequisite for any talks across the Straits.

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