Viagra for Quickie-sex Chinese Pandas

Chinese pandas will be given the anti-impotence drug Viagra to boost their sex drive and save them from extinction, according to reports of China Daily.

A recent Beijing Youth Daily report said scientists were experimenting with the drug as a last resort after traditional Chinese medicines failed to lift the pandas' libido.

"The male panda can only mate for 10 to 20 seconds at a time and hence the chances of getting the female pregnant are very low," it said.

"With Viagra, the male could last for up to 20 minutes."

However Zhang Hemin, director of a panda center in the central province of Sichuan, was sceptical, according to the report.

"We tried to give them Chinese medicine in the mid-1990s," he said.

"As a result, the sex drive of the pandas did improve but they also became hot-tempered and attacked the females.

"That obviously wasn't so good and we had to end the experiment."

"The real problem," Zhang explained, "is that many pandas do not know how to mate."

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