Key to Winning Strategic Information War Lies in Network Sovereignty

This article, written by Cao Lugong and carried in the Liberation Army Daily, runs in part as follows:The information society is, in essence, a network society. Since the early 1990s, various countries have attached great importance to the construction of computer network. At the same time, going online has become a fad. The number of internet users is estimated at 400 million and the global E-business will reach US$1000 billion this year. China's internet users now numbers nearly 10 million, the figure is expected to reach 100 million by the year 2010, marking the beginning of China's entry into a network society.

Network has become a new basic point for the development and prosperity of a country and nation, at the same time, it is also pregnant with a new crisis for them.

Experts have pointed out: Only by establishing an independent national information network while making use of the internet and instituting the pattern of "one country, two networks", can the security interest of our country and nation be guaranteed under the new opening situation. Globalization or an "earth village" does not at all mean universal harmony in the world.

Technological progress has continuously enhanced people's "sense of getting closer to each other" in their contacts. In the early 80s, some people had stated that since micro-electronic technology emerged in the world, the space has been "devalued", while time has been "appreciated", the earth is diminishing, gradually becoming a small "village town". Thereupon, the sense of the "earth village" is deepening in people's conception. In a global sense, the "earth village" will play a great promotional role in the sustainable development of human society, it is an expression of the progress of human civilization. Since the early 1990s, internet has been spreading across the world at an increasingly rapid pace, enabling people to have a deeper and more vivid experience in regard to the "earth village". In this respect, the trend of globalization has also become increasingly prominent. However, it is noteworthy that there has emerged a mistaken zone-the imagined arrival of universal harmony in the world-in people's conception. In 1998 when "globalization" was all the rage in the world, the Asian financial crisis broke out, waking up many countries which vaguely discovered: Behind "globalization", there might be the "strategic traps" set up by Western powers; "globalization" is an ideological concept of the West, which is obviously stamped with the political and economic influence of Western powers; The benefits brought about in the course of "globalization" seem to be mostly flowing to the developed countries, while the worsening environment and social turbulence and other problems are left to developing countries. When many people regard "globalization" as an inevitable "objective trend", a German scholar has made a sober analysis, saying: "The close connection of the global economy is absolutely not a kind of natural result, but rather it is a result brought about by the policy deliberately implemented for pursuing a set target. For the majority of countries, this kind of globalization is a compulsory process...but for the United States, it is a process deliberately promoted and maintained by US political and economic elite".

The United States has three cards in its hand for its intention to control the world and construct and maintain a "single pole world": One, "human rights transcend sovereignty", it uses this card in an attempt to legalize its intervention in the internal affairs of other countries. Second, "globalization", the card is used to quietly push its liberalistic economic policy to the world and thus gradually abolish the economic sovereignty of national countries. Third, mighty military strength. This card is used for strategic deterrent and creating one after another "glories" of the Kosovo type. China should have its own independent national information network.

We Chinese have come to realize: It is entirely possible that internet can become a tool of hegemonism! In future internet war, they may cut off the internet entrance, suspend your contact with the outside world and cause your network to be paralyzed; they may possibly use the "logic bomb" and "virus procedures" in their monopolistic computer networks to destroy your computer-net-controlled military and economic systems; and may use monopolistic hardware and software technologies to steal your political, economic and military secret. If our administrative, economic, education, science, technology and information systems are completely dependent on internet, it will cause incalculable hidden trouble to the security interest of our country.

The United States has announced that in the 21st century, it will try to gain the overlord position in the network war, which, in addition to security control, it will also try to gain cultural, political and economic controls. Therefore, building our own information network, so that our country gains controlling power over its information network, is of highly important significance to our seizing the commanding height of the knowledge economy in the 21st century, enhancing the cohesion of the nationals and our overall national strength and realizing the strategic goal for national development.

There are many favorable conditions for us to build our independent information network, making full use of these conditions and improving uncertain factors make it possible for us to set up a more effective radio internet which is different from internet and which makes it possible for the government to control, disseminate and exchange information. Experts at the meeting make the following analyses of the favorable conditions.

Population condition: China boasts over one-fifth of the world population. The reason for China to become the world's large producer of television sets, electric fans, washing machines, refrigerators, VCD, and air-conditioners is that China has a large population and has the support from the vast domestic market. Network is characterized by taking persons as the base number. The Chinese domestic market can support us in our construction of a huge independent information market.

Single culture condition: unlike many countries, the condition of Chinese population has the characteristics of a single culture. Because of the single culture, there is no cultural obstacle to the numerous Chinese people. Future network represents an information war and a cultural war, The culture of China itself has its own superiority

Technological condition: Today, network technology is changing from day to day. So long as experts, scholars, entrepreneurs jointly take part and integrate the law governing the spread and exchange of information with network technology, all technological problems can be solved. That is to say, it is entirely practicable technologically to set up a network which is different from internet and is more effective and safe for the dissemination and exchange of information.

Economic condition: the construction of an information network includes the construction of physical network and information resources. China has already had great strength for the construction of a physical network. China has set up a communication network open to all sides, which provides conditions for the establishment of a physical network. With regard to the construction of information resources, if we have correct ideological guidance and new idea, and promote the application of the information broadcasting and visiting methods and system developed by China, then we are able to complete construction of information resources.

Establishing our own network over which we have sovereign rights. The sovereign rights over the information network include:

First, having the equal dialog right in relation to network: To promote the multi-polarity of the world political pattern and economic diversity, it is necessary for us to build a network by which we can conduct equal dialog with the West on the question of network. Only when we have our own networks, can we conduct dialogs with internet.

Second, having the controlling right over network: We can draw up the methods for trade and settlement on our own network and set technological standard and safety rules, thereby realizing control over the network.

Third, achieving the right to promote industrial development: Since technological and safety standards are set by ourselves, they can promote the development of radio and television networks, pagers, computers and household electrical appliances and other industries.

Fourth, acquiring the economic development right: Through the extensive exchange of digital information, we can speed up the flow of information, enhance the linking of the Party and government with society, improve the work efficiency of the government and promote the harmony and stability of society; enhance the understanding between enterprises, and between consumers and enterprises, and boost the rapid development of commerce, trade and economy. All these require that the information network be based on sovereign right.

Fifth, promoting national cultural right: Network war and information war include the war of culture. This kind of war is under way every day on the internet. Internet takes English as the main body, Western cultures are infiltrating the Oriental users every day. The fact that the Chinese have their own information network which use Chinese as the mainstay facilitates the promotion and dissemination of oriental culture.

When the goal of "one country, two networks" till the future when "one globe, two networks" comes into existence, the whole world will need to conduct exchange and trade with China, they will consciously learn Chinese culture. The time when such study becomes a fad and a tidal wave in the world will be the day when the Chinese nation is rejuvenated in the galaxy of the world nations.

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