China Hopes to Expand Cooperation with Indonesia

Chinese President Jiang Zemin April 12 called for joint efforts to expand the good-neighborly and friendly relationship between China and Indonesia in the new century.

The Chinese president made the call in a message to Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two Asian countries, which falls on Thursday.

China and Indonesia, as two major developing countries, are both facing the tasks of revitalizing their economies and safeguarding the interests of developing countries in a world where profound changes are taking place, Jiang said, adding that the two countries have broad prospects for cooperation.

He highlighted the progress made after Indonesia and China resumed diplomatic ties a decade ago and particularly praised the 1999 visit to China by President Wahid as vital to pushing bilateral relations by shaping future cooperation.

During the visit, both countries reached consensus on establishing a long-term cooperative relationship of good- neighborliness and mutual trust, Jiang said in the message.

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji also sent a message of congratulation to President Wahid, hoping for expanded bilateral cooperation in fields ranging from trade, science and technology to culture and for coordinated efforts in dealing with international affairs, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said in a message to his Indonesian counterpart Alwi Shihab that President Wahid's China trip last year has injected new vitality into the development of bilateral ties, which he believes will further improve with continued efforts and closer cooperation between the two countries.

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