CPWDP Condemns Annette Lu's Separatist Remarks

A spokesman for the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP), one the eight non- Communist parties on the mainland, refuted Annette Lu's recent separatist remarks on April 12, saying that any attempt to seek Taiwan independence is hopeless.

The spokesman condemned the stubborn pro-independence stance taken by Lu, a member of the Taiwan-based Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), who in an interview with a Hong Kong cable TV described the cross-straits relationship as similar to that shared by "distant relatives and close neighbors" and referred to "two Chinese nations."

"The remarks completely exposed Lu's disgraceful attempt to foolishly challenge the one-China principle, betray the motherland, and shamelessly advocate Taiwan independence," he said. Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China's sacred territory, politically, geographically, historically and culturally. The highest status it has ever claimed is that of province; it has never been a "nation."

The Taiwan issue is the legacy of a civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China. The change of regional leaders in Taiwan will never alter the internationally- recognized fact that Taiwan is part of China.

Lee Teng-hui took power pretending to be an ardent advocate of one China, but he was ultimately discredited when his pro- independence position was exposed. And like Lee, Annette Lu's involvement in separatist activities will come to no good end, the spokesman said.

The spokesman reiterated the Chinese government's stance that all issues are negotiable under the one-China Principle.

Pro-Taiwan independence elements like Lu are openly refusing the one-China principle in an obvious attempt to hamper cross- straits political negotiations on peaceful reunification, challenge the principles of "peaceful reunification, and one country, two systems," and force Taiwan people to support their criminal schemes, according to the spokesman.

This indicates that Lu's repeated "peaceful and friendly" shows are tricks to gain sympathy and support from the international community and Taiwan people, he noted.

Realizing the reunification of the motherland has been a great cause for the Chinese nation, he said, stressing that those who are engaged in Taiwan independence activities are going against the historic trends of peaceful reunification, the fundamental interests of the people living on the both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially for the majority of Taiwan people who want peace, stability and development, and the international legal norms.

The desire for reunification has never wavered in China's history, and it has been a sacred mission for the Chinese people across the Taiwan Straits to realize the reunification of the motherland, the spokesman said.

The CPWDP firmly supports the Chinese government's basic stance of one China, he said, urging the new leader of the Taiwan region to respect the interests of the Chinese nation, and the Taiwan people as well, and to take concrete steps to improve and develop the cross-straits relations.

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