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Thursday, April 13, 2000, updated at 09:05(GMT+8)

E-commerce to Be Introduced to the West

E-Commerce experts held lectures for the representatives of the government and the State-owned enterprises in Chifeng, lying in the northeast of Inner Mongolia.

All the local participants agreed that resources and quality products in China's west could not be fully developed because of its remote geographical position and relatively backward information networks.

Business people also noted that E-Commerce, with no barriers of time or space, will play a big role in the economic development of the West.

Liu Xu (local entrepreneur)said:" For the west, either E-Commerce or the Internet will be helpful for the short-term or long-term development of our businesses."

Wang Fengchao, a local entrepreneur, said:" For our State-owned enterprises, how to catch up with the developed eastern regions is an urgent task to be solved. Trading online will be a key means to facilitate the information exchanges with the developed regions, which will sharpen our market competitiveness."

Besides delivering lectures, organizers from the TOeCom. Com, China's first online store, said they will also help set up E-Commerce web-sites free for local businesses. The half-year event will also cover the other western areas including Qinghai, Guizhou and Yunnan.

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E-Commerce experts held lectures for the representatives of the government and the State-owned enterprises in Chifeng, lying in the northeast of Inner Mongolia.

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