G-77 Ministerial Meeting Starts in Havana

The Group of 77's South Summit started Tuesday in Havana with the meeting of the foreign ministers of the participating countries.

Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said that the South-South cooperation is of utmost importance, but that the support from the North is necessary.

The ministers analyzed the report they received Monday from the experts, who discussed the documents that are to be approved by the moment the Summit is over, Friday.

Issues regarding globalization were present during a much of the deliberations, as well as the possibility of access from the South to technical knowledge and technology, which the developed world enjoys almost exclusively at the present.

Arthur Mbanefo, president of the Group of 77, pledged Monday an "interactive" dialogue for an international system more suitable for the majority of nations, which are the poorest of the world as well.

The United Nation's design for the twenty first century is also one of the main issues dealt with Tuesday in this capital city by the foreign ministers of the 133 participating countries within the G-77.

The meeting started Sunday and there will be over 50 leaders participating. They keep on arriving in this capital along with ministers and experts.

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