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Wednesday, April 12, 2000, updated at 16:39(GMT+8)

China Sets up First Batch of State-level Ecological Demonstration Models

Yanqing County and 32 other counties, regions and units were lately named State-level Ecological Demonstration Models by the State Environmental Protection Administration on April 11 as the first batch of like regions thus honored by the state in following the strategy for China's sustainable development.

The 33 ecological demonstration regions have been chosen out of 154 experimental areas as models for maintaining harmonious development of society with environment in China,

China has laid down strict standards and targets for ecological environment construction, economic and social development in its construction of ecological demonstration regions.

In 1995, when facing a nationwide worsening of ecological environment China put forward its plan to set up ecological demonstration regions at a county level to advance regional economy and ecological environment construction and ensure sustainable development in 50 regions during the 9th Five-year Plan period in China. Now the plan has been carried out and an increased number of ecological demonstration regions have come to be built.

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Yanqing County and 32 other counties, regions and units were lately named State-level Ecological Demonstration Models by the State Environmental Protection Administration on April 11 as the first batch of like regions thus honored by the state in following the strategy for China's sustainable development.

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