G-77 Criticizes Humanitarian Intervention Rights

Southern Summit of the Group of 77 rejected Monday the "right of humanitarian intervention" certain superpowers take upon themselves to attack small states without UN authorization.

This right lacks legal basis in the UN Chart and general principles of international rights, said the summit in its draft Joint Declaration published Monday in advance.

"We're insisting on the need to maintain a clear difference between humanitarian assistance and other United Nations' activities", said the text.

The document condemned the military attacks that last year the United States and its allies from North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) launched upon Yugoslavia due to Kosovo's internal conflict.

The Group of 77 expressed its "deep worry" of U.S. air attack against El Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan, that happened on August 20, 1998.

The block said "We're reiterating the continual validity of the fundamental right of all peoples to self-determination" for cases of colonial or foreign domination or foreign occupation".

The Group of 77 is convening in Cuba's capital city of Havana the South Summit, the largest gathering of heads of state and government since the founding of the body in June 1964.

A total of 122 delegations are attending the South Summit, and 60 countries will be represented by heads of state or government.

Also present at the summit of G-77 are 34 delegations of non-member countries and representatives of 35 international organizations.

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