Ex-German Headmaster to Work for "Project Hope" Training Program

Manfred Heinrich, a former German headmaster, has become the first foreigner to engage in training teachers from Chinese schools funded by Hope Project, a nationwide charitable program launched in 1990 to help dropouts resume schooling.

Heinrich, about 60, is currently one of the 80 volunteer lecturers of China's Project Hope Teachers' Training Center. Nevertheless, this is not Heinrich's first endeavor to contribute to China's education. He has, since 1996, worked at Shanghai Teachers' Training Center under a joint program by Germany's Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Foundation and the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

"I'll exert myself and am ready to contribute more still to China's significant causes like Project Hope," Heinrich said recently.

Project Hope has absorbed more than 1.78 billion yuan (214 million US dollars) in donations over the past 10 years, which have helped Chinese education departments at all levels set up 7, 549 primary schools.

More than 2.2 million rural children who dropped out of school have returned to classrooms thanks to the charitable program. Project Hope will carry out diversified educational programs in the next five years including efforts to re-train primary school teachers and spread on-line education and adult education.

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