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Thursday, April 27, 2000, updated at 16:13(GMT+8)

MOE Trains Over 3,000 High School Headmasters

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has trained over 3,000 high school headmasters in the past decade since it established a training center for the purpose.

The training center, located at East China Teachers' University, has held 19 terms of research classes for provincial-level key high school headmasters, two terms for national key high school headmasters, and three rounds for Hong Kong high school headmasters.

Over 400 high school headmasters from the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong gathered in Shanghai to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the training center.

In the past decade, high school headmasters have studied education management methods, school management psychology, and regulations and policies governing China's education system.

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The Ministry of Education (MOE) has trained over 3,000 high school headmasters in the past decade since it established a training center for the purpose.

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