Gene Tech to Ensure Fewer Babies Born Deformed

New gene technology is to be introduced this summer to help reduce the chances of babies being born deformed, according to China Daily's report.

The transparent gene chip, half the size of a name-card, contains the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) spectrum of human physiological defects, such as mental deficiency and deaf-mutism.

"The DNA chip will help young couples to figure out the odds of such cases through a simple blood examination process," said Dr Ru Xiaorong, an expert working on the project.

According to Ru, doctors can also rely on DNA chips to assess whether or not a baby in the womb carries a deformed gene.

China is to establish 10 detecting centres around the nation to serve its 40 million women of child-bearing age as well as the 20 million babies which are born each year.

Founded by Shaanxi Super Science and Technology Co Ltd (Super S&T), the DNA chip was developed jointly by Fudan University, the Fourth Army Medical College and the company's research department.

More than 10 research institutes have participated in the research effort, which started two years ago and passed the strict examination of the State Drug Administration last November.

"The National Research Institute For Family Planning has decided to co-operate with Super S&T in the current national eugenic campaign," said Ma Xu, director of the research institute.

China started the campaign to ensure fewer babies are born deformed in September last year.

According to the director, the technology is likely to effectively reduce the likelihood of a woman giving birth to a deformed baby.

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