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Thursday, April 27, 2000, updated at 16:12(GMT+8)

Top Judge Criticizes Low Efficiency of Court Work

China's top judge Xiao Yang April 7 criticized low efficiency in court hearings and the enforcement of court rulings now widespread in many local courts across the country.

"A considerable number of courts have been found to over delay settlement of lawsuits and fail to enforce court rulings in time," Xiao Yang, president of the Supreme People's Court, told a national tele-conference today.

"Such delays are also a reflection of judicial injustice, which is detrimental to society." Xiao Yang warned heads of provincial level higher people's courts, noting that "the long-existing problem is commonplace in people's courts."

He was also severely critical of local courts for providing unrealistic statistics to the SPC.

Statistics presented to the SPC have shown that courts in China settle almost all lawsuits according to law. Xiao said some courts do not accept lawsuits or just do not register them at the end of the year to increase their ratio of lawsuit settlement.

The over delayed enforcement of court rulings is largely the result of local protectionism, Xiao Yang said.

Xiao pledged that the SPC is considering new measures to solve the problem of delays in case settlements and the enforcement of court orders.

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China's top judge Xiao Yang April 7 criticized low efficiency in court hearings and the enforcement of court rulings now widespread in many local courts across the country.

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