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Thursday, April 27, 2000, updated at 16:11(GMT+8)

China Promotes Effective Afforestation Measures in West Areas

China's State Forestry Administration (SFA) decided on April 6 to publicize 100 effective ways to accomplish afforestation in the country's western region to raise the survival rate of trees and grass that have been planted.

Covering an area of 5.4 million square kilometers, the western region is largely sandy and arid, where harsh natural conditions make it difficult for newly planted trees and grass to survive.

To solve this problem, experts organized by the SFA came up with 100 effective measures based on high technology and successful experience in afforestation under similar conditions.

One effective method, for example, is collecting surface water in the Loess Plateau to irrigate trees, which has raised the survival rate of the trees by 20 percent.

An SFA official said they will adopt various ways to publicize these measures and make them known to all. Meanwhile, technical training will be carried out at different levels to ensure their successful implementation.

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