Volunteer Graduates Teaching in West

After four years of studying at Qinghua University, one of China's most prestigious institutes of higher learning, Wei Fang decided to give up the chance of a high salary and comfortable office as an accountant. Instead, she has volunteered to go to the country's poverty- stricken western area and teach in a primary school.

She is among the 130 volunteer graduates from China's 32 well- known universities who will teach in the west, including the provinces of Qinghai and Gansu, for one year.

After several rounds of interviews, Wei Fang was selected from 33 applicants of her university and became the only woman volunteer.

The 21-year-old from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region said, "It will be great to go to a totally different environment. Dad supports my going there. He said it's a very good opportunity for self-development for us successful university students."

Talking about the possible hard conditions, she expressed her determination by saying, "I'm confident in my ability to adapt. I don't think it'll be too hard, since I myself grew up in a rural area."

Launched by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the Ministry of Education in 1998, the project has attracted 101 volunteer graduates, who are now teaching in the west.

Schools in the west are still short of teachers, officials claim.

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