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Thursday, April 27, 2000, updated at 16:08(GMT+8)

Beijing Speeds up in Preparation for 2001 Summer Universiad

Beijing 2001 Summer Universiad Logo
Beijing's preparation for the 2001 Summer Universiad is in full swing with about 500 days left until opening day.

A series of publicity campaigns will run from April 8-15 to make the locals know more about the event, Zhao Dongming, vice-secretary-general of the organizing committee, said April 4.

Up to 10,000 university students will form a voluntary service team at a ceremony in the city centre on Saturday.

They will receive training from now and are going to offer daily services, such as receiving, translating and guiding, to foreign delegations at the Universiad.

On Sunday night at Beijing Students' Gymnasium, 4,000 sports officials, college students and pop stars will attend a large gathering, which aims at attracting more assistance from society.

And people who voted for the same emblem and mascot as selected by the Federation of International University Sports (FISU) are eligible to win prizes.

Other plans for the publicity campaign include promotions in commercial districts by student volunteers and signing-up campaign for support in more than 20 universities.

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Beijing's preparation for the 2001 Summer Universiad is in full swing with about 500 days left until opening day.

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