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China's First Oil Spill Emergency Programs Take Effect

China's first oil spill emergency program comes into effect Saturday. In addition to the program, there will also regional emergency programs for the Northern China Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Taiwan Straits.

Under these programs, reports must be filed with related authorities on oil spills as well as clean-up operations and compensation claims.

A senior official from the State Administration of Maritime Safety says the programs are designed to protect China's marine environment and resources, and reduce damage caused by oil-spills.

During the past 26 years, the country has reported 53 major oil-spills, each with a lost of at least 50 tons of oil.

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China's first oil spill emergency program comes into effect Saturday. In addition to the program, there will also regional emergency programs for the Northern China Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Taiwan Straits.

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