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Revised Law Calls for Strengthened Marine Environment Supervision

The contents of the revised marine environmental protection law have increased from 48 articles and eight chapters to 98 articles and 10 chapters as compared with that implemented some 16 years ago.

According to article nine of the revised law, China will make national standard of marine environment quality on the basis of China's marine environment quality situation, national economic and technological conditions. China will improve the research and development of science and technology in controlling marine environmental pollution and upgrade the technologies and equipment which are seriously damaging marine environment, according to article 13 of the law. China will make contingency plans for serious marine pollution accidents, stipulated in Article 18.

Article 19 of the law prescribes that marine environment supervision departments are authorized to carry out law enforcement on the sea.

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The contents of the revised marine environmental protection law have increased from 48 articles and eight chapters to 98 articles and 10 chapters as compared with that implemented some 16 years ago.

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