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Tourism Promotion Drive in Guangzhou

Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Hong Kong jointly hosted a promotion drive on March 31 in this capital of Guangdong Province in south China to attract people from the mainland to visit their countries and regions.

With the theme "Touring Wisely," the drive will help tourists learn more about services and tourism programs in southeast Asian countries and Hong Kong, according to an official with the Hong Kong Tourism Association.

Last year, more than three million tourists from the mainland visited Hong Kong, of which 40 percent were from Guangdong.

Tourists from China's mainland have been coming to these destinations in record numbers in recent years, said tourism officials, adding that China is a large market for the tourism industry.

The promotion will includes a fair offering travel tips and diversified tour routes, as well as tour schedules and other information.

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Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Hong Kong jointly hosted a promotion drive on March 31 in this capital of Guangdong Province in south China to attract people from the mainland to visit their countries and regions.

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