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HK Industrial Production, Price Index Drop in 1999

Hong Kong's index of industrial production for the manufacturing sector in 1999 as a whole decreased by 6.3 percent compared with 1998, according to the preliminary results of a survey released Friday by the Census and Statistics Department.

Figures also show that Hong Kong's producer price index for the manufacturing sector dropped by 1.6 percent compared with that of the previous year.

The provisional figures on the index of industrial production and the producer price index for the manufacturing sector as a whole decreased by 2.7 percent and 0.7 percent respectively in the fourth quarter of 1999 compared with a year earlier, the figures show.

The industrial production indices reflect changes in the volume of local manufacturing output after discounting the effect of price changes, while the price changes are measured by the producer price indices for manufacturing industries compiled from data on producer prices of industrial goods and services collected from the same survey.

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Hong Kong's index of industrial production for the manufacturing sector in 1999 as a whole decreased by 6.3 percent compared with 1998, according to the preliminary results of a survey released Friday by the Census and Statistics Department.

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