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Hong Kong Launches Spring Seafood Showcase

The Hong Kong Tourist Association (HKTA) on Friday launched the "Spring Seafood Surprises" activity as a debut of its food promotion of the year- round "Seasonal Tastes" program.

Hong Kong, which enjoys a reputation as the "Culinary Capital of Asia," has attracted a large number of visitors by its delicious Chinese and Western cuisine for years.

Regular surveys conducted by the HKTA indicated that dining is regarded by visitors as one of their most favorite activities in Hong Kong, and in particular, dining ranks high in major markets such as Japan, the United States and Taiwan.

The "Seasonal Tastes" promotion is held to showcase Hong Kong's different seasonal culinary delights to potential visits, according to the HKTA. A total of 44 restaurants are participating in the promotion, attracting visitors with 37 special seafood dishes and various privileges.

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The Hong Kong Tourist Association (HKTA) on Friday launched the "Spring Seafood Surprises" activity as a debut of its food promotion of the year- round "Seasonal Tastes" program.

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