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China to Shape New Culture in Western Region

China's Minister of Culture Sun Jiazheng has pledged to shape a new kind of culture in the western region, combining local traditions with borrowings from outstanding features of other cultures.

The new western culture should feature ethnic characteristics as well as modernity, Sun said in March 29's Wenhui Daily.

Sun also said this new western culture might push forward the economic development of the region as planned by the central authorities, the Shanghai-based newspaper said.

In addition, the ministry plans to organize a nationwide work conference in July for discussion of the details of cultural enhancement in the west.

As an important origin of the Chinese nation, the western provinces are abundant in cultural resources, Sun said.

Therefore, he said, the west must pay great attention to protecting its heritage while promoting tourism for profit, the newspaper reported.

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China's Minister of Culture Sun Jiazheng has pledged to shape a new kind of culture in the western region, combining local traditions with borrowings from outstanding features of other cultures.

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