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Seminar on Deng Xiaoping's Contributions To Tourism Industry

Chinese government will play a leading role in accelerating the development of tourism in China's vast west regions, Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen said Tuesday.

He made these remarks at a seminar in Beijing to launch the publication of a book entitled "Deng Xiaoping on Tourism." Qian said that in 1996 China already achieved the late Deng Xiaoping's goal to earn ten billion U.S. dollars through tourism annually by the end of the 20th century.

He said that the publication of the book is a significant event and will have a profound influence on the future growth of the tourism industry in China.

The book was jointly published by the Party Literature Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the National Tourism Administration. The book contains five statements that Deng made on developing China's tourism industry from October 1978 to July 1979. It also includes nine photographs and six autographs of Deng.

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Chinese government will play a leading role in accelerating the development of tourism in China's vast west regions, Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen said Tuesday.

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