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South China City Reduces Effects Of Acid Rain

Nanning, capital of south China 's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, will ban the use of coal in downtown districts starting from July 1 this year. Chen Ruixian, deputy mayor of Nanning, explained that banning coal is part of a campaign to reduce the effects of acid rain within the next five years.

Nanning suffers from acid rain pollution caused by the burning of high-sulphur coal produced in the region. Roads and buildings have been seriously affected by acid rain. Nanning has been designated by the central government as a major acid rain city. Early last year, the city issued a circular calling for a wide use of low-sulphur coal in industrial production and daily use. Efforts to combat acid rain are showing positive results. Nanning had less acid rainfall in 1999 compared to that in 1998. The city also met state requirements in the levels of sulphur dioxide discharge into the air.

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Nanning, capital of south China 's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, will ban the use of coal in downtown districts starting from July 1 this year. Chen Ruixian, deputy mayor of Nanning, explained that banning coal is part of a campaign to reduce the effects of acid rain within the next five years.

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