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Monday, March 27, 2000, updated at 09:12(GMT+8)


Web-based Job Markets Emerging in China

Increasing Internet usage has given rise to numerous web-based job markets in China, which are expected to be unified into a national market in the foreseeable future, reported Xinhua News Agency.

Statistics show that a total of 151 such job markets have been set up since 1995, when the first web-based job market was initiated in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province.

Web-based job markets provide comprehensive information for both job-seekers and talent-seekers. Job-seekers may submit their personal information to be filed in an Internet talent bank, with categories according to specialization.

Experts say that web-based job markets have huge potential in China, due to the convenient, instant, and user-friendly services they provide and the possibility they promise of forming a unified national job market.

The prospects for such a market, however, are bright, given the great importance the Ministry of Personnel attaches to it.

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