College students favor private enterprises

Many renowned private scientific and technological enterprises have become hot spots for college students to seek job opportunities at a talent fair for enterprises in Shaanxi Province, which opened in Xi'an on March 25.

Thousands of college students who are going to graduate this year came to the fair and asked about the enterprises they are interested in.

"It is the first time for my company to attend such a big talent fair," said Zhao Buchang, president of the Shaanxi Buchang Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. He said that more than 1,500 college students have filled out forms to seek positions in his company, and most of them came from the medical universities and colleges all over the country.

A girl who identified herself as Miss Luo said that she had been working in a state-owned enterprise but felt dissatisfied. She wanted to work in a private company such as Shaanxi Buchang to bring her talent into full play.

Other private enterprises in the province also attracted large groups of college students at the fair.

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