One-China Principle Prior to Mainland Visit: Qian

The leader of Taiwan can come to the mainland for talks at any time, provided that the One China Principle is recognized.

Vice Premier Qian Qichen made this remark at the closing of a two-day national conference attended by directors of provincial-level Taiwan affairs offices.

Under this prerequisite, "we are also willing to visit Taiwan, and the (mainland's) Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and the Straits Exchange Foundation (of Taiwan) may have contacts and exchanges," he added.

In his speech, Qian said that the election of the local leaders in the Taiwan region and its outcome could bring about no change in the fact that Taiwan is part of China. The One China Principle is the basis and precondition for a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue and no form of "Taiwan Independence" will ever be allowed, he stressed.

The majority of foreign governments adhere to the One China Principle and have pledged to handle their relations with Taiwan in the framework of One China, Qian said, adding that the majority of Taiwan compatriots are not in favor of "Taiwan Independence" and look forward to stabilizing and developing cross-Straits relations.

He warned that those who are neglecting the security of 23 million Taiwan compatriots and plotting "Taiwan Independence" can never meet a good end.

The Chinese government and the Chinese people will never make any compromise on vital issues such as safeguarding the One China Principle and state sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said.

To resolve the Taiwan issue and realize the complete reunification of the motherland at an early date has been the common will and sacred mission of the entire Chinese people, he said.

The vice premier said the central government will strengthen its contacts with all parties, groups and personages from all circles in Taiwan that are in favor of the One China Principle, against "Taiwan Independence," and advocate the development of cross-Straits relations.

He called for solidarity among compatriots on the two sides of the Straits, and called on all advocates of China's reunification to jointly strive to develop cross-Straits relations and push forward the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland.

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