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Saturday, March 25, 2000, updated at 10:33(GMT+8)


Overseas Chinese Encouraged to Help Develop Western China

The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council will launch a series of activities this year aimed at encouraging overseas Chinese to invest in western China and contribute their talent to the development of the region, a leading official said in Beijing.

Guo Dongpo, director of the office, said that overseas Chinese talent will be introduced to serve in the sectors of infrastructure construction, environmental protection and ecological improvement, and the development of science and education, as well as the development of economic sectors with local favor and preponderant industries in the western region.

Meanwhile efforts will also be made to publicize the investment environment, preferential policies, and economic and science and technological programs in the western region through the Internet, and also to hold on-line trade fairs featuring western China, Guo said.

He said the office and its branches across the country will help the western region develop relations with foreign countries and regions, and challenge profitable overseas Chinese-funded enterprises in eastern China to invest in the west.

Guo expressed his belief that overseas Chinese will play an important role in promoting the development and opening up of the western region of the country.

He called on overseas Chinese affairs offices at all levels to work actively in promoting collaboration between overseas Chinese and China's mainland.

The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council last year organized 100 overseas Chinese doctors to return for scientific and technological exchanges. This year, the office will also organize 100 overseas Chinese doctors to develop cooperation and exchanges with the western part of the country.

Guo said his office will actively explore ways of giving full play to overseas talent, and will cooperate with concerned departments to work out policies and measures for attracting overseas talent to serve the strategy of "revitalizing the nation through science and education."

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