CPPCC Chairman Meets Guinean Guests

Li Ruihuan, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), met here today with a delegation from the Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Guinea, headed by its chairman Michel Kamano.

Despite the geographical distance and the historical and cultural differences between the two nations, China and Guinea have maintained sound relations which have stood the tests of time and changes in the world since they forged diplomatic ties, said Li.

The Chinese government highly appreciates the Guinean government's long-term position of one China and of having no official relations with Taiwan, and thanks the Guinean government for its valuable support for China on issues such as human rights, Li said.

He said that the Chinese government and people will maintain and develop, together with their Guinean counterparts, the friendship nurtured by the older generation of leaders of the two countries.

Under the leadership of President Lansana Conte, Li said, the Guinean government has been actively exploring a development pattern suited to its situations and have made remarkable progress in safeguarding its independence, sovereignty, national solidarity and social stability, as well as in economic development. The Chinese government and people feel genuinely happy about such achievements, and wish the Guinean people greater success, Li said.

Briefing the guests on China's domestic construction, Li said that China has made progress that was recognized by the whole world, and has kept up a positive momentum of development. However, owing to its vast population and a poor foundation to start with, China has encountered many difficulties, especially in developing a socialist market economy, he said.

The recently-concluded Third Session of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC) and the Third Session of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee summarized the country's previous work and drew up a plan for future work, he said.

"We will rely firmly on the Chinese people's innovative spirit, overcome all difficulties, and continue to push forward the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics," he said. Kamano said that all the members of the Guinea delegation are delighted to visit friendly China, and the mission of the visit is to establish friendly relations of cooperation between the Guinean Economic and Social Council and the CPPCC.

Amidst an ever-changing international situation, he said, China always sides with Guinea and gives Guinea selfless assistance. The Guinean government and people thank the Chinese government and people for their consistent support, Kamano said. He praised China's achievements in economic construction, saying China's experience could be valuable to other developing countries, including Guinea.

On the Taiwan issue, Kamano reiterated that Guinea believes that there is but one China, and China cannot be split up. The Guinean delegation arrived here yesterday for a good-will visit at the invitation of the CPPCC National Committee.

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