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Friday, March 24, 2000, updated at 09:39(GMT+8)


China Opposes Any Country Inviting Chen Shui-bian to Visit

China opposes any country inviting Chen Shui-bian, who recently won the election in Taiwan Province, to visit in any capacity, said Sun Yuxi, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Thursday afternoon at a regular press conference.

"This is of vital importance to the healthy development of relations between China and any other country," Sun said, adding that "the Chinese government firmly opposes any form of official contact with Taiwan by any country which has established diplomatic relations with China."

"This stand is clear-cut and consistent," he said, stressing that "countries concerned have made solemn international commitments to the Chinese government on the Taiwan issue. We ask them to adhere to the one-China principle with practical actions and observe their commitments they have made to the Chinese side."

The spokesman reiterated that there is but one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territories.

"This is a fact that has been recognized by the international community and the election of leaders in the Taiwan region and its result can not change this fact," he stressed.

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