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Taiwan's Mainland Investment on the Increase

As is reported from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Taiwan investment on the Chinese mainland in the first two months this year has been on the increase.

Statistics show in the first two months this year there are 350 investment items by Taiwan businessmen that have been approved by the Chinese government. By these are meant a 7.36% increase over the same period of last year, with a contract and an actual amount of investment having been used up to $526 million and $224 million respectively.

By the end of 1999 there are altogether 43,945 Taiwan enterprises that have been attracted to the Chinese mainland, with a capital amount, 7.8% of foreign investment directly made in China, next to Hong Kong, the United States and Japan. The contract amount has been placed at $44.67 billion against a total of $24 billion that has been used by China.

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As is reported from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Taiwan investment on the Chinese mainland in the first two months this year has been on the increase.

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