Senior Official Calls for Ban on Porn Services

A senior Chinese official has called for an immediate ban on pornographic services commonly available at entertainment venues, warning that society "could be imperiled by these filthy phenomena".

Peng Peiyun, vice-chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislative body, said the government should pay greater attention to the fact that lots of entertainment locales, barber shops, sauna centers and massage parlors have prostitution services.

"Rampant pornographic activities have led to official corruption, rapid growth of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and drug-related cases, as well as damage to women's rights," Peng, who also chairs the All-China Women's Federation, was quoted as saying by today's "China Women's News". Excessive development and cut-throat competition in China's entertainment industry have turned some of the venues into sex businesses, Culture Minister Sun Jiazheng acknowledged recently. Proprietors often lure customers with escorts or, as they are commonly called in Chinese, "three accompanying ladies", because they accompany clients while singing, dancing and drinking. The issue has also aroused concern among other lawmakers, who accused some local officials of conniving with the sex businesses for various purposes, the newspaper said.

"Some officials wrongly believe that such businesses can help attract investment, and some are even involved in such operations, " it said, adding that the government should crack down on all kinds of porn activities.

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