Taiwanese Demonstrators Demand Lee Teng-hui Stepdown

Hundreds of angry protesters in Taiwan are demonstrating for the third consecutive day Monday, demanding the immediate resignation of Lee Teng-hui as chairman of the ruling Kuomintang, following the party's election defeat on Saturday.

According to TV reports from Taiwan, police in Taipei, capital of the island province, attempted earlier today to disperse the demonstrators outside the Kuomintang headquarters who were calling for Lee to step down as chairman of the party, but failed.

According to reports by the Taiwanese media, protests also took place in southern Taiwan.

The protests against Lee first erupted Saturday night as thousands of Taiwan residents gathered outside the Kuomintang headquarters in Taipei.

On Sunday, Lee was forced to promise to resign in September this year, at a provisional party meeting at the headquarters, while demonstrators protested outside.

Lee's move failed to quell the outrage of the demonstrators who protested throughout the night calling for his immediate resignation.

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