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Tuesday, March 21, 2000, updated at 15:34(GMT+8)


Chinese President Reiterates One China Principle

Chinese President Jiang Zemin reiterated in Beijing March 20 afternoon that dialogues and negotiations across the Taiwan Straits should have a basis, namely, the one China principle must first be recognized, and under this prerequisite, everything can be discussed.

He made the remarks when meeting with his counterpart of the Republic of the Congo Denis Sassau-nguesso.

Jiang was quoted as saying: "we have said in the past, and we still think, that no matter who is in power in Taiwan Province, we welcome him to come to the mainland for talks. At the same time, we can go over to Taiwan. But dialogue or talks should be on the basis that he first of all recognizes the one China principle".

China has made it quite clear its stands and positions on Taiwan issue when Premier Zhu Rongji held a news conference after the close-up of the third session of the Ninth NPC, Jiang added.

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