PLA Airforce Adds Greenery to China

The last few spring rainy days have seen over 100 tons of tree and grass seeds broadcast sown by planes of PLA Lanzhou Military Command's airforce in northwest China.

The Lanzhou Military Command has made it a rule in the past ten years to help green the Chinese land with sowing broadcast in more than 100 areas of five provinces and regions including of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xinjiang in northwest China. So far, it has broadcast sown over 6,000 tons of tree and grass seeds and pesticides in adding greenery to over 15 million mu of bare hills and deserts. For an indefatigable effort made by airforce of this PLA military force over the years, forest coverage in sand-ridden Yulin area of Shaansi Province has already developed from past 1.54% to as much high as a 42.5% of Yulin.

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