Macao Celebrities Comment on New Leader of Taiwan

After the election in Taiwan, some celebrities in Macao said Sunday that only when the new leader of Taiwan comes back to the "One China" principle can the cross- Straits relations be improved.

The new leader of Taiwan should return to the One China principle, and if he clings obstinately to his line for the " independence of Taiwan", he would surely be opposed by all Chinese people and certainly come to no good end, said Ma Man Kei, chairman of the Macao Chamber of Commerce. Ieong Wan Chong, a scholar in Macao, said Taiwan is part of China, and if the new leader of Taiwan continues his "Taiwan independence" advocacy, the cross-Straits relations will be worsened.

The scholar expressed his hope that the compatriots in Taiwan agree to the 'One China' principle and promote the reunification of the motherland.

Charles C. Y. Chen, director of the Association of Returned Overseas Chinese in Macao, said that the new leader of Taiwan should abandon his stance for "Taiwan independence" and respect the interests of the people in Taiwan and the common will of the entire Chinese people.

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