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Monday, March 20, 2000, updated at 19:49(GMT+8)


China Refutes American Human Rights Report

China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHR) on March 19 published a series of articles to refute American Human Rights Report. Huang Hua, honorary president of the CFHR, declared that it is not allowed to interfere in others' sovereignty under the pretext of human rights.

Huang Hua said that in old China, people could not get even the minimal right to subsistence, not to speak of enjoying other human rights. Today, China, which is undergoing reform and opening up, enjoys an ever-richer material life, an ever-better legal system, the human rights situation is in the best period in Chinese history. The CFHR, which takes developing and improving China's human right cause as its mission, takes heartfelt pride in the above achievements.

Huang added: I have spent more than half of my lifetime on New China's diplomatic front, I am deeply aware that if a country has no complete sovereignty, there will be simply no human rights to speak of. As the saying goes, "boundary comes into existence with the emergence of different countries" The issue of human rights is, in the final analysis, a matter within a country's sovereignty. The world is diversified, the present form and process of American human rights are closely related with the country's culture, history and level of economic development. The reason why China emphasizes that the rights to subsistence and development are the primary human rights is that we base these human rights on China's national conditions and actively put them into practice. As in the past half century, some countries and people had unsuccessfully intervened in China's internal affairs by various means, so today, any attempt to use the human right issue to interfere in China's internal affairs is doomed to failure. China is becoming strong and prosperous, the time when old China was subjected to bully and humiliation has gone forever.

Of course, with regard to differing views about human rights, the most acceptable way is to promote understanding and establish trust through dialogs and exchanges. Huang said his Foundation is working and exerting itself precisely in line with this principle.

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