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Saturday, March 18, 2000, updated at 12:06(GMT+8)


Macao People Combat Taiwan Independence

Scores of people with the Association of Returned Overseas Chinese in Macao held a seminar on March 17, expressing their determination to safeguard national unity and combat the independent tendency in Taiwan.

National unity and revitalization are the common aspirations of all Chinese descendants around the world. Such a feeling is much stronger among those Chinese who used to wander in foreign lands, the participants at the seminar said.

"The independence of Taiwan means war, for any sovereign state will not tolerate any attempt to compromise its territorial integrity," said Leong Chong Kao, vice-chairman of the association. "We bear the fervent hope that our compatriots in Taiwan will lead a peaceful life free from war," he said. "In this regard, they must have a clear understanding of the current situation and cast their votes well (in the election in Taiwan)."

Lao Ngai Leong, another vice-chairman of the association, said that all remarks and actions which maliciously separate Taiwan away from the motherland will harm national interests and will surely be opposed by all Chinese including those in Taiwan. "We hold the firm belief that any attempt to challenge the one- China principle and advocate the independence of Taiwan will not succeed," Lao said.

Some other participants noted that no matter who becomes the new leader in Taiwan, the independence of Taiwan will not be tolerated.

The speakers expressed the wish that Taiwan compatriots will not be cheated by some separatist politicians. The masses of Taiwan people should make wise decisions at the critical juncture.

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