Chinese Vice-Premier Meets Thai Princess

Vice-Premier Qian Qichen met today with Thai Princess Maha Chakir Sirindhorn. Calling Princess Sirindhorn a highly respected friend of China who has made contributions to the promotion of mutual understanding and cooperation between the people of the two countries, Qian said that as this year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Thai diplomatic relations, Princess Sirindhorn's visit is of significance for strengthening bilateral relations.

Qian also described China and Thailand as good neighbors, and said their peoples enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges, adding that Sino-Thai relations have been developing smoothly since the forging of their diplomatic ties, and the two countries have also had fruitful cooperation in various fields over the years.

He expressed the conviction that through joint efforts, comprehensive and good-neighborly relations will develop further in the new century.

Sirindhorn said she had visited scenic spots in Shannxi, Shandong, and Henan provinces before her arrival in the Chinese capital, adding that Sino-Thai relations are good, and the two countries should keep their relationship developing throughout the generations.

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