Beautiful Landscape Provides Source of Revenue

In the new round of economic restructuring, what's the plan of Jiangxi Province, an old revolutionary area and a major agricultural province?

Deputy Xiaoyi, mayor of Ruijin, the capital city during China's revolutionary period, cited the following example in panel discussion: Ruijin, located in the mountain area of southern Jiangxi Province, was poor in traffic facilities and information access. For a long time, the local peasants were engaged mainly in the planting of traditional hybrid rice and gathered a handsome output from each of the three crops a year, but they sold at low prices. In the past two years, they began to think about this question carefully: Can we utilize such a nice ecological environment to produce something special? New thought did bring tangible effect as expected. They brought in improved breeds of hybrid rice, cultivated various kinds of edible fungi, and used underground water to breed and process eel. These products from the mountain area are natural, unpolluted and sell well. Now, the farm products have found markets in Japan and Southeast Asia and earned US$13 million in foreign exchange each year.

Presently, six products have passed the authentication of the China Green Food Development Center. And another batch of products will follow suit.

Traveling around Jiangxi Province, you will see a beautiful landscape everywhere. NPC Deputy Shu Huiguo, secretary of Party committee of Jiangxi Province and agronomist, told the reporter that Jiangxi has a pleasant weather, fertile fields, adequate water and dense forests, high mountains and large lakes, besides, Jiangxi is less polluted because the geographical structure is a relatively independent ecological system which can stem and prevent pollution from outside. Given this, it's advantageous for Jiangxi to develop ecological agriculture and organic foods. After China's foreseeable entry into WTO, Jiangxi will, through vigorously developing ecological agriculture and organic food, gear the manufacture of these products to both the international and domestic markets and, readjust and optimize the agricultural structure in a wider space and at a higher level, give prominence to local characteristics so as to enhance its market competitiveness.

A change of concept has helped broadened the field of vision of the deputies, they have come to see that the local beautiful landscape has provided them with a source of wealth.

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