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Premier Zhu Rongji made a statement before answering the questions: To all the friends from the press, today actually I am having my third press conference as the premier of the State Council of China. So let me take this opportunity to first of all give my best wishes to all the new and old friends from the media and also let me wish you very good luck because I do hope that you will get the floor and get the opportunity to pose a question. Thank you. Question: (Xinhua News Agency) First of all, thank you very much for your wishes. Developing China's west has been a very frequently discussed question for both the NPC and CPPCC sessions, and we also know that the United States once had a campaign for developing its mid-west. It had two such campaigns, and that took the United States more than 100 years. In your report on the work of the government this year, you mentioned developing China's west would be a systematic programme and it will remain a long-term task for China. When do you think China will be able to accomplish a co-ordinated development of its east and west? During your tenure of office as the premier of the State Council, what objectives will be accomplished along that line? Answer: Actually the development of China's west was part of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's strategic thinking that he put forward as early as in the 1980s, concerning the two overall situations about the development of China. And starting from last year, General Secretary Jiang Zemin has on many occasions put emphasis on developing China's west. He also added the phrase of "big programme" or "major programme" to describe our programme of developing China's west, because now there is an opportunity in front of us to achieve or materialize this strategic thinking of developing China's west. Because at the moment China's economic development has reached such a level that the development on China's east coast and the development of many traditional industries has really been "saturated," and because therefore they do need to tap new markets, we also believe it is time for us to take the development of China's west as an imperative task. Actually, I want to mention two major aspects concerning the development of China's west. The first aspect is concerning the building of infrastructure facilities in that part of the country. We all know that China's west has a large size in terms of territory. However, the transportation facilities there are not that convenient. So first of all, it is necessary for us to build up all infrastructure facilities. Now the State has decided to concentrate much of the State investment in the building of infrastructure in that part of our country. For instance, recently we have announced our decision to proceed with the project of transmitting all the natural gas from China's west part to the east part. To be more specific, we have actually discovered a very rich natural gas reserve in the Tarim Basin in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Therefore, we intend to build a natural gas pipeline, which will run for 4,200 kilometres and which will pass through eight provinces and municipalities. It will link the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the west to Shanghai along China's east coast. As we build this natural gas pipeline, we expect that all the energy infrastructure and industrial mix along the pipeline will be significantly changed. And therefore we do need, and do expect, a lot of financial input into this building of the pipeline. We'd like to welcome both the domestic and international investment to flow into that project. Particularly, we would like to welcome overseas investment, which we hope will participate in the building of this project. As for the overseas investors, you can take your money there and you can also have dominant stake of stocks of the related projects concerning the building of the pipeline. And I am confident that this project will achieve high efficiency and also generate a high return rate. And the second aspect I want to mention concerning the development of China's west is the improvement of the environment in that part of the country. As you all know, China has already solved its food problem and we now have an oversupply of grain. So we have some grain reserves in our storage. In the past, we were suffering from the shortage of food. Therefore, we had to make sure that we used as much as possible of the land to grow grain. Now that we have a large food surplus, we can provide the food surplus to farmers for free, and we can try to help them reconvert farmland they used in the past into forests, grasslands and lakes. By doing so, we hope that environment in China's western regions can be improved. Therefore, we believe that by implementing the strategy of developing China's west we will have a very beautiful environment there and that we can also improve the infrastructure in that part of the country. In terms of accelerating the development of China's west, we will adopt preferential policies similar to those we have adopted in China's eastern areas. In this regard, we would like to welcome the participation of overseas investment, overseas security companies, banking institutions and overseas insurance companies. So all of your participation is welcome. As for when our efforts will yield results in developing China's west, I think we have already seen some effect and some results of building infrastructure facilities. The Chinese people are very capable of building such projects as railways, highways and expressways. So I believe with regard to the building of the specific natural gas pipeline which will run for 4,200 kilometres, we expect the project to be completed within two years, although the construction may be divided into several different stages. As for the planting of trees, that may take some time longer. Actually, I once paid an inspection tour to the A'ba region in Sichuan Province to see the situation of growing trees and forests. I learned that it usually takes eight to 10 years for the infant trees to grow up and become forest. So I'm sure that effects would be seen there rapidly. Naturally we are aware that this task of developing China's west will be a formidable one and may not be finished within the time of only one generation. On the contrary we expect that this project will be finished and completed through the efforts of one generation, two generations and even several generations. Question: (Phoenix TV, Hong Kong) Recently the two sides of Taiwan Straits have attracted worldwide attention. And this is especially true after the release of the white paper. There has been significant and strong reaction in the international community and also from the Taiwan side. Different sides have their different interpretations about the white paper, particularly about the three "ifs" contained in the white paper. How would you comment on the different reactions and the different interpretations? And concerning the white paper, all the measures laid out in the white paper will be effective only for the time being or remain for a long term? Answer: In fact, we saw the edition of the "two-states" theory first before the release of the white paper on Taiwan. If the "two-states" theory had not been issued, you would not have seen the white paper in front of you. What the white paper does is to give a comprehensive and detailed exhibition on all the principal positions and policies of China on the Taiwan issue. This includes the formulation of peaceful reunification and "one country, two systems" put forward by the then-leader Deng Xiaoping as well as the eight-point proposals put forward by General Secretary Jiang Zemin. There is no new proposition in the white paper. As for the formulation that the Taiwan question should not be allowed to drag on indefinitely, Comrade Deng Xiaoping used almost the exact words in the 1980s to state the govern-ment's position on this point. He said that the Taiwan question should not drag on indefinitely, and also suggested that if the Taiwan question should be allowed to drag on indefinitely, how can it be possible that we will not use force? The proposition has been put forward for a long time. But the fact before us is that the release of the white paper has resulted in strong and significant reaction from all parties concerned. The people friendly with us in the United States have voiced their dissatisfaction and also their complaints about the release. However, if you should select 10 people and ask them whether they have ever read a copy of the white paper, maybe all of them will say no. But why has there been such a strong reaction? I think the reason is that there are always some people in certain countries in the world who are always there standing against China. They always take China as their imaginary and potential enemy. They want to use Taiwan, which in their view is an unsinkable aircraft carrier, to oppose China or to do something against China. So they would be very happy to see the Taiwan question dragged on indefinitely. Now they have seen the mainland side come up with something indicating our position that the Taiwan question should not be dragged on indefinitely, so they have come up with such a strong reaction. In this regard, we also hear voices of possible threat against us from people concerned, and they have been indicating that if China will work to settle the Taiwan question, they will certainly intervene in the process. On March 12, US President Bill Clinton made a speech at Johns Hopkins University, and some of his remarks are as follows: "There must be shift from threat to dialogue across the Taiwan Straits." In my view, revision should be made concerning two words in the sentence made by the president so that it can be more accurate. It is as follows: "There must be a shift from threat to dialogue across the Pacific Ocean." Question: (Lianhe Zaobao based in Singapore) All of us have been following very closely the situation of the Taiwan Straits and have noticed the changes concerning the campaign in Taiwan in the past few days. We have noticed that there may be a more promising future now for Chen Shui-bian, the candidate of Democratic Progressive Party. How do you comment on the latest development and changes in Taiwan? Answer: The election in Taiwan is a local election and, therefore, it is a matter of Taiwan people themselves and we won't interfere with it. However, we must be crystal clear that no matter who comes to power, Taiwan will never be allowed to be independent. And Taiwan independence in whatever form should be unacceptable. This is our bottom line and also the will of 1.25 billion Chinese people. Our consistent policy for the settlement of the Taiwan question is the peaceful reunification and "one country, two systems." However, we will never undertake to give up the use of force. Whoever stands for one China will get our support. We can talk with him and our talks can cover anything. There can also be a concession made on our part, but this concession will be the concession made to our fellow Chinese. Whoever continues Taiwan independence will not end up well. Because the cause (of continuing Taiwan independence) for such a person will not be a popular cause. He will not enjoy popular support because what he pursues is against the will of Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and against the will of the entire Chinese community in the world. All the Chinese remember very well that the modern history of China which started with the Opium War in the 1840 is a history of being bullied and oppressed by foreign forces. Taiwan for many years was under occupation and rule of Japanese military forces. Looking back at that part of China's history, we all know China then was poor and weak. However, Chinese people at that time still came up with a strong voice calling for all people not to be slaves. Our Chinese people have been making heroic struggles to make sure that we would not become slaves of others. At that time, I was only nine years old. I still clearly remember all the songs we used to sing; songs that called for the salvation of our motherland. These songs are still clear in my mind today. Every time when I was singing these songs, I became so excited that I was determined to devote all my life to the great cause of our motherland. Today, the Chinese people have stood up. So how can it be possible that we will allow Taiwan - which has been a part of China's territory - to be separated from the motherland? Absolutely, we cannot! Some people have made some calculations about how many aircraft, missiles and warships China possesses and presumed that China dare not and will not use force based on such calculations. If such kind of calculations are close to truth, Hitler would have extended his rule to the whole world. For those people who have made such calculations and who have made such conclusions do not understand and do not know about the Chinese history. The Chinese people are ready to shed blood and sacrifice their lives to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the motherland. In the past few days, the Taiwan election campaign has been conducted with every possible treachery and scheme. There have been significant and dramatic changes with regard to the campaign. Every trick possible has been employed and used. However, the hidden intention (of these tricks) in my view is clear for anyone to see. It is clear that someone is trying to use the tricks to make the one who is for Taiwan independence to win the election. The day before yesterday, the Taiwan stock market dropped by 670 points. This is a clear reflection of the worries and anxiety on the part of Taiwan people about the aggressive and arrogant nature of the pro-independence forces. What they are worrying about is that if the pro-independence force comes into power, it may trigger a war between the two sides of Taiwan Straits and undermine the peace in the region. All the worry and anxiety follow a clear and natural logic, that is, this is something that directly bears on their life and personal interest. Now people of Taiwan are in a very critical and historical juncture and I advise all people in Taiwan not to act on their impulse since this juncture will decide the future of both sides across the Straits. I am afraid you won't have another opportunity to regret. However, we believe in the political wisdom of the people of Taiwan and we trust that our Taiwan compatriots will make a wise and historical choice. However, there are still three days to go before the election of Taiwan. Things are hardly predictable because anything may happen. So let me once again advice all people in Taiwan: Please be vigilant! Question: (Television reporter from Germany) Premier, for ages, corruption has been a big, big problem in Germany. As you know, we manage to review and solve all the major cases because we have independent courts, a strong independent parliament and a free, critical press. What makes you so confident that you can solve the problem of corruption without the system of checks and balances, and without giving up one-party rule and without establishing a real democracy? Answer: Corruption has been a major problem facing all governments in the world since the first government was created in human history, and the Chinese Government is no exception. China has a big population, so China has more corruption cases. The Chinese have made tremendous achievements in its anti-corruption fight in recent years. Did your countries execute as many corrupt criminals as we did? China's governments and judiciary have been tough in meting out punishments in accordance with law to officials involved in bribery, embezzlement and other criminal activities, but the people are still not satisfied with the result. Around 700 out of the over 2,700 NPC deputies voted against or abstained when the work reports of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate were voted on at the NPC session. This shows that people are not satisfied with our anti-corruption work. But we have to acknowledge that we have made great achievements in this regard. The crackdown on smuggling is one of the most noticeable achievements in the anti-corruption drive. The recent exposures of smuggling cases in Zhanjiang and Xiamen are good examples. Because of the crackdown on smuggling, China's customs revenue last year increased by 100 per cent over 1998, and the extra revenue was used to increase pay for 84 million low-income people. I do not see a clear linkage between corruption and one-party rule in China. Many governments are corrupt even though they operate with a multi-party system. Most important of all, the cure to the problem is the establishment of a system of the rule of law and law enforcement. Because of various reasons, some big cases have not been publicized through the mass media. But I believe the Chinese are improving their coverage of corruption and more and more cases will be publicized. Question: (NHK) Now the Japanese side has expressed the hope of having you to visit our country before the G8 meeting, which is going to be held in Japan. Do you have plan to visit Japan during the first half of this year? And how do you see the current status concerning the Chinese and Japanese relations? Answer: Presently, Sino-Japanese relations are in a quite good state. Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and I have met each other on many occasions in the past. I also hosted the Japanese prime minister in China. Both of us have established very good personal relationship. The Japanese prime minister has also extended an invitation on more than one occasion for me to visit Japan. I intend to visit Japan this year. However, I do not see any link between my planned visit with the G8 meeting. Regarding China's position on the G8 meeting, China has already made clear its position on many previous occasions. That is, we do not have any intention to participate in the G8 meeting. However, we will continue to stay in touch with G8 as it was in the past. Question: (CCTV) We have noticed that in the fourth part of your government work report - which was concerning strengthening comprehensive management - you used the word "strict" on 18 different occasions. So we do recognize that you are trying to advocate for top priority on being strict in your work. And it did show that too many problems have been caused by lax management in this regard. What measures do you think should be adopted to solve all these problems of not being strict enough and being too lax in management? Answer: The answer to solving the question of being lax is to be strict. You actually did the calculation for me as you counted that I used the word "strict" 18 times. I did not make the calculation. I think maybe I should use that word many more times. During the first meeting of the State Council this year, I said that this year should be "the year of management." By that I mean upgrading management in a comprehensive way. The way of doing so is to make laws and introduce the rule of law. For instance, in the past we also made significant efforts to strengthen our work concerning all the legal aspects of China. The area I have been following more closely is the financial field of China. In the past two years we have dealt with more than 5,000 cases concerning the financial area and financial institutions. As a result, more than 50 heads of financial institutions have been fired. Right now we are at the very beginning of a new year. I expect that the word "strict" will last throughout. Question: (CNN) Premier Zhu, I have a question about something that I think many people outside China still do not understand. Your government says it will use force against Taiwan if it fails to resume talks on reunification eventually. But many people outside China fail to understand how the threat of force can be a positive incentive to the people of Taiwan to make them want to be reunited with mainland China. Isn't it sort of like telling your ex-wife that "If you don't come back together with me, I might have to kill you?" Answer: On the Taiwan question, I don't think I have too much to add. I think you have given a very vivid and interesting example. But it is dramatically different from the main point that I was talking about on Taiwan. We have already made it very clear that we will never promise to renounce the use of force. However, that statement is not directed at the people of Taiwan. It is directed at those external forces who attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs and at those splittist forces in Taiwan who are trying to achieve Taiwan independence. The example you used is something to be governed by a marriage law, and the case you described does not follow the stipulations of the marriage law. But what I have been talking about is something that has been stipulated, provided and agreed upon by the international law. Question: (Reuters) Last year the Chinese State Council promised that the telecom industry will build a CDMA-based telecommunications system in China. However, up to this day we have not seen Unicom given the go-ahead to build the CDMA-based system in China. But on the contrary, several PLA-sponsored telecom companies have already started to provide services concerning CDMA building. So when will Unicom be given the go-ahead and will that happen? And another question is that recently 30 deputies to the National People's Congress have tabled a motion calling on the Chinese Government to give approval to private enterprises to take part in the telecom industry before China becomes a member of the World Trade Organization. So do you see any chance of this motion getting passed? And also, there are many Internet companies in China which intend to get listed overseas. However, China has not produced any specific rules or regulations in this regard. So when can we see the regulations concerning Internet companies? Answer: At present the mobile telecommunications in China is based on the GMS system. In terms of market capacity, I think the Chinese telecom market is the second largest in the world. However, we also decided that in addition to the GMS system, we will adopt the CDMA system from the United States, and in this regard the State Council has specifically delegated China Unicom to take charge of all the co-ordinating work and to be responsible for the introduction of overseas technology. Recently Unicom has invited bids for importing the CDMA system. In this regard China Unicom may not have done a good job in terms of getting mutual communication and mutual co-ordination with the other two specific departments in China in charge of this work, namely the Ministry of Information Industry and the State Development and Planning Commission. So now people concerned are doing their job to go through all the necessary remaining formalities. So I think it will not be long before you can see the settlement of this question. However, some people outside China have been saying that China has suspended or stopped its co-operation concerning the CDMA system. What they are saying is not true and there will never be anything like that. As to the motion tabled by the 30 deputies as you described in your question, unfortunately I have not read that motion. However, there is no problem and no difficulty concerning allowing private businesses to take part in the telecom industry. We have already promised to allow overseas private investment to take part in the China's telecom industry. Why should we shut the door on our own private business people? This is not logical. Perhaps no other country in the world can match China in terms of the speed of Internet expansion. There are over 10 million netizens in China. So you should realize that we have developed very fast in this area. You are very wise in mentioning the necessity of cyber-legislation and you are right in saying that we will work to set up all the legislation in this regard. Question: (United Daily based in Taiwan) Recently, the mainland has been emphasizing that the Taiwan question should not be allowed to drag on indefinitely. However, in three days' time, a new "president" will emerge from the election in Taiwan. Suppose the new "president" refuses to resume all the talks with the mainland concerning China's unification during his one or two terms of office, which will last through four or eight years, and instead tries to maintain the status quo across the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. Then, would there be a war between the two sides of Taiwan Straits? Will the mainland side produce any specific timetable for the unification of China? With the election less than three days away, will the mainland choose to make some military exercise in the three days and also to make some test-launching of missiles as you did in 1996 in order to influence the situation? Answer: I think I have already made myself more than clear on the Taiwan question. So I would not make any additional comments and I would not like to comment on hypothetical questions. As to whether there will be military exercises, please just wait and see, and please do not worry much because there are only three days left. Question: (AFP) I have a question relating to China-US relations which actually touches on Taiwan. My apology is for that. But you just mentioned before that China would not renounce the use of force against separatist forces and also external forces against China. Does that include the United States? May I raise this question considering there has been repeated criticism of US interference in the China-Taiwan issue, including an editorial in today's Liberation Daily saying America is, as you mentioned before, taking Taiwan as an unsinkable aircraft carrier. And also relating to that question, are you concerned that the question of Taiwan could have a bad effect on China-US relations, for instance, in the on-going WTO consultations? Is there some concern that the Taiwan issue might help stop WTO legislation from being passed in the US Congress? Answer: Up until this moment at this press conference, I did not mention the United States except on the occasion that I tried to revise or to have a different formulation on the remarks made by US President Bill Clinton. For now I do not have any intention to embroil the Taiwan question with the United States, and still less do I want to embroil the Taiwan question with other issues related to China-US relations. Question: (China Central Radio Station) Actually the question of building up a social security network in China is a question that many people are also interested in. So what objectives will be accomplished in terms of improving the legislation concerning social security network in China? Answer: China has set up its social security network long ago. However, we are not seeing a very perfect and highly improved social security network that already covers the areas of old-age pension insurance, of unemployment insurance and of medical insurance. For instance, in the process of redressing the industrial mix in China, a large number of workers and employees will be laid off from their enterprises, and they will have to find certain jobs for re-employment; therefore, our social security network seems to be insufficient to tackle this problem. As for the laid-off workers, many of them are still there with the re-employment centres of the enterprises they used to work for in the past, and they are now sustaining their life depending on the money paid by the State finance and also by society as well as by the enterprises they used to work for. So the insurance they get is not enough. But we have already decided to build up our own social security network that is exercising a social-based management and that is also independent from the enterprises. Now we have already decided to use all channels possible to raise money for the building of a social security network in China. Actually we are already doing some work along that line. And the law in this regard is expected to be introduced by the end of this year. So in my view, it won't be long before we can see a rather further improved social security network in China. Question: (Correspondent from Denmark) With the unquestionable success of what is called grassroots democracy in China, meaning direct and multi-candidate elections to the government at the lowest level, how many years do you think it will take before China will upgrade that system to the city level, the provincial level and to the National People's Congress level? And premier, at this stage half way through your term as premier, have you got a good idea of what you want the Chinese people to remember you for when you step down after two years time and go to your kitchen? Answer: Let me thank you the positive remarks you made concerning village elections in China. As to when such a system can be extended to higher levels and to what level they may possibly be upgraded to, I hope the sooner the better. As for my term of office, it is true I have already finished half of my term. So in the less than three years remaining in my current term, I should do everything to discharge my duty and devote all I can so I will not let the people down. For now, I am working in my current post under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core and I am also working with the tremendous support from the entire State Council. As to my own job and my own work, I think it is always limited. After leaving my office, I hope the Chinese people will say: "Oh, this premier is clean and honest. He is not a corrupt premier." That will make me very satisfied. And if the Chinese people should be even more generous and say: "Oh, this premier, Mr Zhu Rongji, he has done things which have produced tangible benefits for us." That will be a very generous comment. Question: (China Securities Daily) We know that there are over a thousand companies listed on stock markets in China with over 40 million investors on the stock market. Would you evaluate and comment on the development of the securities market in China? And we also know that reform of China's State-owned enterprises is entering its decisive stage this year. So how can the stock market further improve and facilitate SOE reform in China? Answer: You have asked a very difficult question. And the only thing I can say at this moment on this occasion is that although the securities market in China has been developing very rapidly and achieved a lot of significant results and accomplishments, the operation of the stock market is not yet highly standardized. And we still have to make a tremendous effort before we can make our securities work and securities market trustworthy to the entire Chinese people. And trustworthy, in particular, to all the investors in the market. The securities market in China is a very important market for us, and it is particularly true for the reform of State-owned enterprises. Therefore, I hope that all experts in this field, particularly those from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, in addition to the experts from other parts of our country and other parts of the world, can come and participate in our work. They also can give us a helping hand in our efforts to further standardize and improve our securities market regulation and work. And if you agree to come, I can satisfy all your requests regarding salary, no matter how high it may be. Question: (Financial Times) There have been some Chinese academics who recently suggested that China announce the timetable for the liberalization of the capital account. In this connection, I would like to ask, is it a good idea? When would China allow foreign mutual funds to invest in local markets? When would China merge the A and B share stock markets? And when would China allow the full convertibility of renminbi? Answer: In fact, China has already achieved the free convertibility of renminbi under the current account. As was indicated in the past, we will achieve the free convertibility of Chinese renminbi currency under the capital account. But that takes time. However, in order to achieve free convertibility of the renminbi under the capital account, we must have the capability to excise much more strong supervision in this area. I am afraid that we do not have the adequate condition to do that. So I can only say sorry - because I cannot reveal to you a possible timetable at this moment. Question: (Wall Street Journal) I would like to follow up on the question that my colleague from Reuters asked before. Right now, the People's Liberation Army still operates commercial mobile phone networks using CDMA technology on an experimental basis in four cities. Those seem to be expanding now into other areas and cities. Do they have a licence to do that from the government? Will the military be allowed to operate and collect revenue from commercial mobile phone networks? And is it possible that the military can become the third operator in mobile phone networks in China? Answer: It is true that in the past China Telecom did conduct some pilot programmes in four cities together with some entities under direct jurisdiction of PLA concerning CDMA. However, the Central Military Commission made the decision that the PLA should cut off all business links with commercial entities that used to be run under their jurisdiction. Therefore, we are still conducting further studies and co-ordinating all the work concerning how CDMA co-operation in China could further proceed and how the CDMA system can be better used and satisfy all of the requirements and demands on the part of the Chinese army. Just be a little patient because this question will be resolved very soon. Question: (CNBC Asia) I would just like to clarify the word "indefinitely" in the Taiwan question. Are we talking months, years, decades, centuries? And separately, you yourself worked very hard to push a deal, a trade deal, between China and the United States. How will China react if the United States Congress vetoes the permanent normal trade relation status to China? Will China go ahead and join the WTO without the United States and exclude the United States from its market? Answer: As for the word "indefinitely," I do not know what the best interpretation of the word in English is. Someone told me the English version should be "indefinitely." And someone else came up with another recommendation. It was a Latin word, which is sine die. I do not know whether I have pronounced the term correctly in Latin because I do not have any knowledge about the Latin language. But actually the word they recommended was sine die, although I do not know the exact interpretation and implication of this Latin term. Anyway, I would not make any further expositions and explanations because I understand that both of us know very clearly what it refers to. On the PNTR question, actually granting PNTR status to China is the basis and prerequisite for the China-US bilateral agreement concerning China's accession to the WTO. This bilateral agreement between China and the United States is really a hard-won agreement because it comes as a result of 13 years of negotiations, and also, this agreement is there in front of us as a result of personal leadership by the presidents of China and the United States. This is a win-win agreement, so it is hard won. And this is a solemn agreement concluded and signed between the two governments. Both governments have the responsibility to see to it that this agreement is passed by both congresses. As far as the Chinese Government is concerned, we have already done our utmost to ensure the passage of the trade deal, and now concerning the National People's Congress' approval there is no problem whatsoever. Now US President Bill Clinton has made his commitment and he is also working to promote the US congressional passage of the PNTR status for China. President Clinton also once said that if the US Congress fails to approve the PNTR status for China, the United States will spend the next 20 years regretting for it. Let me add that I do not think the United States would regret for merely 20 years in that case. Maybe hundreds of years and even thousands of years later, when the American people then open up the records of history, they may see what a mistake the United States has made and they may regret for that and the only thing they can do is just to close the history books and sigh. Therefore, I am confident that if all the members of the US Congress can exercise their wisdom and their good reason, PNTR will be passed. |