"One Country, Two Systems" in HK Good Example in Resolving Taiwan Issue

The implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has been playing an exemplary role in settling Taiwan issue, as Hong Kong has maintained prosperity and stability over the past three years under the guidance of this principle.

Jiang Enzhu, director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong SAR, made the remarks here today. He is now in Beijing attending the 3rd Session of the Ninth National People's Congress, which has been in session since Sunday.

The central government has unswervingly kept to the principle of "one country, two systems", and "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" with a high-degree of autonomy, backed the Hong Kong SAR government in its administrative work, without interfering to the least in the affairs that fall within the scope of a high- degree autonomy of the Hong Kong SAR, according to the Basic Law of the SAR, Jiang said.

Hong Kong maintains its capitalist system and life style with a legal system basically unchanged, while enjoying a high-degree of autonomy as defined by the Hong Kong SAR Basic Law and keeping independent finance and tariffs. The SAR government headed by Tung Chee Hwa has exercised effective administration, he noted.

Hong Kong SAR is heading for economic recovery despite difficulties arising from the turmoil of Asian financial crisis, thanks to support from the central government. And its economic growth climbed to 1.8 percent last year from the negative 5.1 percent in 1998.

Moreover, Hong Kong goes on keeping wide-ranging international contacts and, over the past three years, Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa made trips to many countries and visited a host of international organizations. Wherever he went, he was accorded hospitality and warm receptions. Meanwhile, quite a few heads of state and government also visited Hong Kong.

In addition, Hong Kong has sponsored a number of international conferences, and expanded its economic and cultural exchanges with the international community.

The implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle in Hong Kong with great success has fully proved the concept correct, scientific, and feasible. Now, Hong Kong compatriots have enjoyed the great benefits which are resultant from the principle, and they fully confide in their future, Jiang said, adding that last year, the number of HK residents migrating overseas recorded was the smallest in the past 20 years.

All this has an increasing impact on Taiwan, and many Taiwan compatriots either made special trips to Hong Kong or stopped over to see for themselves, and they were convinced that the practice of the "one country, two systems" principle was successful. And this, too, will contribute significantly to the settlement of the Taiwan issue.

The Liaison Office will conscientiously implement the responsibilities and obligations as entrusted by the central government and handle Taiwan-related affairs according to the central government's Taiwan policies and the Basic Law, Jiang said.

His office will go on supporting and encouraging Hong Kong to keep and develop civilian exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan, and welcome Taiwan residents and capital to invest, and do trade and other businesses with Hong Kong, the director said.

Moreover, his office will work harder still to increase contacts between Hong Kong and Taiwan compatriots, advancing the ties between Hong and Taiwan and cross-Straits relations, so as to contribute to the eventual, full reunification of the motherland, Jiang said.

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