Costumes of 56 Nationalities to be Shown in Kunming

China's first Ethnic Costume Expo will be held from late June to early July in Kunming.

Li Hanbai, director of the executive committee of the Expo and deputy governor of Yunnan Province, told the journalist that the Expo is the first nationwide activity held to give a comprehensive and systematic show of the dresses and adornments of 56 nationalities.

The main contents of the Expo includes:

1, Traditional national dress and adornment exhibition, giving expressions to regional characteristics, age difference and the process of costume evolution.

2, Ethnic costumes performance, concentrating on the theme of "56 nationalities, 56 songs, 56 blessings and 56 ethnic dressing styles". The performance will be jointly staged by performing teams from various nationalities or groups organized by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

3, Ethnic-style fashion contest-ethnic fashion model contest.

4, Ethnic fashion and costume fair and dress-making art performance.

5, Ethnic costumes seminar and lectures on special subjects.

The Expo will last for eight days.

Li Hanbai said that Yunnan is a multinational province where costumes of various nationalities are varied in styles. The costume culture of the province has a long history and a profound colorful annotation. The Expo will help people of the world get a better understanding of Yunnan.

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