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Monday, March 13, 2000, updated at 11:52(GMT+8)


Prominent Iranian Reformist in Coma After Shot

Prominent Iranian reformist, Saeed Hajjarian, is still in coma after being shot in an assassination attempt on Sunday morning.

Hajjarian, a member of the Tehran Municipal Council and a close aide to moderate President Mohammad Khatami, was shot by two unidentified gunmen outside Tehran's city hall.

A witness said that the two men aboard a motorcycle stopped in front of the council building and fired at Hajjarian. The assailants fled the scene immediately.

To date, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

President Khatami has strongly condemned the attempted assassination and ordered authorities to track down the gunmen.

According to Hajjarian's associates, the shooting followed a number of threats on the reformist's life by hardline extremists.

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