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Monday, March 13, 2000, updated at 14:00(GMT+8)


China Beats Canada 4-0 in Women's Soccer Tourney

World Cup runner-up China whitewashed Canada 4-0 in the opener of an international women's soccer tournament in Portugal on Sunday.

Fielding a 4-4-2 line-up, China led the first half 3-0 after Jin Yan, Sun Wen and Zhang Ouying each scored once. Sun, who was named Most Valuable Player at the women's World Cup tournament last year, scored her second goal in the second half to wrap up the victory.

Chinese coach Ma Yuan'an said after game that his team has never lost to the Canadians, but Canada still had several chances Sunday.

Eight teams are competing at the tournament, a major warm-up competition in the lead-up to this summer's Olympic Games in Sydney.

World Cup champion the United States, Sweden, Denmark and Portugal are group A contestants here while China, Norway, Finland and Canada play in group B.

The group winners enter the final to be held on March 18.

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