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Monday, March 13, 2000, updated at 15:39(GMT+8)


UNDP Honored Dalian Forerunner of City Rectification

Dalian is a coastal city in Liaoning province, China. The United Nations has lately cited it as a forerunner leading world city rectification. It is the first of Chinese cities having been thus honored in China.

To effectively curb deteriorating environmental problems caused by global urbanization, the UNDP (the United Nations Development Program) has put forward the project of urbanization, globalization, and regional cooperation on city rectification in 1998. Dalian has been placed among the four forerunners in the Asia-Pacific region for its outstanding achievements in city rectification after several rounds of competition.

With the honor won, Dalian will be enabled not only to participate in worldwide international cooperation and exchanges with its foreign counterparts it will also get financial aid to back up its environmental construction from the United Nations.

At present, solid castoffs gathering and disposing have been listed as the first priority to be tackled with in Dalian.

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