China Faces Challenges, Opportunities in New Era

China is encountering both serious challenges and good opportunities at the turn of the century, when the science and technology field is advancing rapidly and the world is entering an era of a knowledge-based economy. Vice-Premier Li Lanqing made the remarks Sunday at a panel discussion held by Jiangsu deputies to the National People's Congress (NPC).

China is certain to make impressive progresses if it seizes opportunities and implements the strategy of developing the nation with science, technology and education, the vice premier said.

Li urged attaching equal importance to both basic sciences and applicable sciences, with the latter, in particular, to be developed in line with market needs. Research houses studying applicable sciences should be merged into enterprises or be turned into enterprises, so as to tap their unused resources and capabilities, he noted.

The vice premier also talked about reform of the education sector. He called for studying President Jiang Zemin's recent important remarks on the issue.

On medical reform, Li said patients should have the right to choose hospitals, drugstores and doctors.

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