HK's Asian Games Bid Committee Appointed

The 2006 Asian Games bid committee of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), chaired by Chief Secretary for Administration Anson Chan, was established on Friday, according to a government press release. Timothy Fok, president of the Sports federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), is the vice-chairman of the bid committee.

The committee will work closely with the SF&OC in coordinating the preparation of the formal bid to host the 15th Asian Games in 2006 to be submitted to the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) by the SF&OC in May, the release said.

"The membership represents a good mix of SF&OC officials, experts and professionals from the sports community, and business and tourism sectors, composing an effective partnership in formulating a strong and competitive bid for the Asian Games," it said.

The committee will hold its first meeting on Monday. Up till now, Malaysia, Qatar, India, Uzbekistan and Syria have proposed their bids for the 2006 Asian Games. The OCA will decide the host for the Games in November 2001.

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